Debris Removal after Hurricane Zeta in Diamondhead

Debris Removal

On Tuesday, November 3, 2020, the City Council approved the authorization to advertise for debris monitoring services and debris removal services.  The city must follow all required FEMA guidelines for purchasing in order to qualify for possible reimbursement for these large, unexpected expenses to remove the debris in the city.  

The city started advertising on Wednesday, November 4 in the Sea Coast Echo as well as other means to promote the opportunity to all businesses.   Another ad will run next Wednesday, November 11.  The city must wait 7 business days before opening the bids; so bids will be opened on Friday, November 20.  We are hoping that the city council will award the contracts later that day and work will begin the following week.  

Residents are asked to place debris along the side of the roads in the city right of ways.  Please do not allow any debris to be located in the streets since this becomes a safety issue for vehicles. 

With debris removal starting in a few weeks, this gives residents more time to get their debris to the roadside before the removal process starts.  Please be patient with this process over the next several weeks.  

We appreciate all of the hard work our residents have done to clean up in just one week.  The city looks better with each passing day.