Frequently Asked Questions
Most construction projects require a permit. It is recommended to call the Building Department at 228-222-4626, ext. 1791 for more information.
Yes, a pool permit is needed to add a pool to your property in Diamondhead.
Yes. A culvert permit is needed if you want to install a culvert for a driveway or landscaping. You can print this permit from the website.
Yes, a permit is needed to install a new fence in your yard. If you are simply replacing boards to an existing fence (not removing the post), no permit is needed. If post are being replaced, a permit is needed.
Yes, a permit is needed to construct a new fence in Diamondhead. If you are simply replacing boards to an existing fence, you do not need a new permit. That is simply a maintance tasks. If the fence is removed and replaced, a fence permit is required in order to ensure the fence is placed in the right spot on the parcel.
If you need to schedule a building inspection, please contact the building department at 228-222-4626 or email the building inspector.
Fees in the building department vary depending on the type of permit. You can view the fee schedule on the website or call the building department at 228-222-4626.
A building packet can be picked up from the Building Department which provided detailed information on what is needed if you want to build a new home in the city.
Contact Information
Building Official
Beau King
228-222-4626 Ext. 1807
Building Inspector
Steven Torone
228-222-4626 Ext. 1792
Building Inspector
Timothy Simmons
228-222-4626 Ext. 1807
Planning and Zoning Administrator
Pat Rich
228-222-4626, Ext. 1816
Building Department Clerk
Tammy Braud
228-222-4626 Ext. 1791
Supporting Documents
Building Permit Application
Variance Request Application
Land Development Permit Application
Mechanical Permit Application
Electrical Permit Application
Contractors License Application
Gas Permit Application
Plumbing Permit Application
Conditional Use Permit Application
Zoning Change Application
Culvert Application
Tree Pruning & Removal Permit
Privilege License Application
Privilege License Tax Calculation