Debris Removal in Diamondhead

On Friday, November 20, 2020, the City of Diamondhead is scheduled to award the debris monitoring contract and the debris removal contract at the 3pm recessed meeting of the City Council. This meeting will be held in City Hall Council Chambers.
Bids will be opened in the City Hall Activity Center at 10am. The City Administration will review the bids and make a recommendation to the City Council at 3pm.
Only debris that is along the roadside on the City’s Right of Way (estimate 10 feet from the edge of the street) can be picked up by the contractor. The contractor is not permitted to go on private property to move or pick up debris. Residents are asked to push their debris piles to the roadside, but not to put the debris in the road where it becomes a hazard to traffic. Residents are also asked to separate the vegetative debris from other debris since different trucks will be picking up this material. This will allow the trucks to move more efficiently through the city to pick up the trash.
Moreover, residents are encouraged not to park on the roadside while these trucks and trailers are operating in the city. If your vehicle is blocking your debris pile, the contractor will not be able to pick it up. This will delay your debris from being picked up and you will have to wait until the 2nd pass for your debris to be removed. In addition, if your vehicle is on the roadside, it could be struck by one of these large trucks and trailers that will be working on our city streets.
Residents should be prepared for the contractor to begin working on Monday, November 23, 2020. The contractor will be required to make 2 full passes through every street in the city within 30 calendar days, weather permitting. There will be one final pass after that.
The City has followed all FEMA and MEMA guidelines for procurement of these contracted serviced to be eligible for reimbursement of the cost to remove the debris. This has required time to properly advertise for the bids. Furthermore, a burn ban remains in effect in the City of Diamondhead.